For an up to date view of what we are planning and have done recently, visit our Facebook page, use the QR Code to get there.
Golf Classic 2024 Results.
Congratulations to everyone who took part in this year’s Golf Classic. Forty one teams took part and again the standard of golf was very high.
We were once again fairly lucky with the weather and treated to this beautiful course playing well, plus excellent food as usual.
Thanks to all the players, local businesses and individuals who supported us again and thanks to those members of the shed who turned out to help.
See you all again next year!

Raffle Prize Winners – Golf Classic 2024
Congratulations to all our Raffle Prize Winners, click on the link opposite to see winners. We will be in touch with you shortly. Apologies if anybody’s name has been read incorrectly from the ticket stub and consequently spelt wrongly on this list.
Birthday Celebration!
Congratulations! One of our visiting Prosper Meath guys, who pop in on a Thursday, was a “Birthday Boy” today, with cake for all. Happy Birthday Liam, (front left) rumour has it he can have a beer tonight now he is over 21.

The last quarter of the year was a busy time as usual!
The end of the year saw no let up for the members of the shed, we were busy with a street collection and making things for a very successful two weekend stall at the Credit Union in Trim. This helped raise more funds towards our aim of a new workshop in the summer. We also managed another trip to the Bowling Alley in Navan and had talks about Bees and Dental care to mention just a few of the things going on.
As Christmas approached, we were blessed with Ultimate Gym Conditioning and the Boyneside Cafe raising funds for us again this year. Thanks, Bernard, Gemma and James for your support. We also had our Christmas Party at the shed and had such a “good time of it” for some members, they had to forgo the meeting next morning. It’s amazing how quickly you can go down with a bug when you were okay the previous day!
“All Aboard” for a fine day out!
An enjoyable day was had by the guys who opted to go for a cruise on the river Shannon. The weather was kind to us and we rounded off the trip with a some nice ‘Pub Grub’ and the obligatory pint. Thanks to our member Martin, who did a splended job of driving the Flexi Bus we used for our day out.
We were very lucky to get away with just a few light showers of rain for the golf day, with everyone enjoying the day and some impressive scores being achieved.
The Golf Classic, held on the 28th July 2023.
With an impressive 9 under par gross score (13.5 under after 10% handicap applied) the team winners were:
1st Place : Gordon Campbell; Derek Donohue; Cyril Halton and Dennis Ryan – Score 64 Gross (58.5 Handicapped)
2nd Place: Eamon Murray; Eamon Haller; Jonathan Cooney and Frank Leonard – Score 64 Gross (59.1 Handicapped)
3rd Place: Ian McGuinness; Michael Culliton; Clive Wallace and John Arthurs – Score 66 Gross (59.5 Handicapped)
Longest Drive Winner was Emma Fagan for the Ladies and Richie Wheeler for the Gents, well done to both.
Nearest the Pin was won by Kyle Waters for the Gents, unfortunately no Ladies recorded a direct hit on the green.
Thanks to everyone who took part, pictures will be put up when I get them.
Busy Times!
April was a busy month, with a trip t the Dail and a six week photography course being completed by about 8 of our members.
The snooker tournament got completed, winner was John Loud (the chairman) who managed to overcome John Howley in the final. Mattie Rodgers beat Gerry Connor in a 3rd and 4th place match.
A lot of us popped along to see the unveiling of Prosper Meath’s lovely mosaics at their new premises and the guys from Prosper Meath who visit us on a Thursday have been busy making various items under the guidance of our very own Gerry Deegan.
We are also in full steam ahead mode for organising this years Golf Classic fundraiser.
Well Bowled!
A great time was had, as 15 of us made the journey over to Navan for some 10 pin bowling. A few ‘strikes’ happened as well as the side gutters being well used but all in all everyone left with a smile on their faces and a few achy limbs next morning. Something we will no doubt be doing it again now everyone has their eye in. Well done Jerry, who got a total score of 95.
Party Time!
The Christmas Party was a great success, there was plenty of snacks available before the main food turned up. Everyone enjoyed their own tipple, be it wine, beer or a spot of the hard stuff. It was great to see so many wives and partners there and there was plenty of chat and singing to get the party going. Thanks to everyone who came along, it was a great night. The following day, a few of us braved the party scene for a second time and welcomed guests from Prosper Meath. It was good to see you guys. Prosper Meath returned the favour on the following Monday and invited shed members to their coffee morning to celebrate the opening of their new premisses.
Making a Splash for Us!
It was a cold day on Saturday the 3rd December but that didn’t stop the brave men and women (and one young lad), who joined Bernard Smyth from the Ultimate Conditioning Gym, from diving into the chilly waters of the Boyne River in Trim to raise money for us. We had a good turnout of spectators who saw everything (well, they almost did of the guys wearing their Speedos) from our local Guard (thanks Edel Dugdale) to Batman & Robin taking the plunge into the icy waters.
Their reward was some lovely hot soup (thanks to Anne Collinge) and Sandwiches plus of course our heartfelt thanks from the Men’s Shed. The sponsored event raised a great amount on Bernard’s ‘Go Fund Me’ page and this was boosted by the great efforts of James and Gemma from Boyne Valley Activities who supplied endless hot drinks to everyone with all the donations going to the Men’s Shed.
To everyone involved including those who sponsored on the ‘Go Fund Me’ page, a big, big, Thank You from all the members of Trim Men’s Shed.
Back to School for the Shed Members.
We attended the Boyne Community School Christmas Fair to show off our handmade goodies. As well as selling a few items we got another new member, who saw the stand and had a chat with us, making the event great for us.
Van Gogh – What a great time we had!
At last we made it to the Van Gogh Interactive Exhibition in Dublin. Accompanied by some of our wives, we had a great time with everyone learning a bit about the great man. The exhibit was very well done and a few took the opportunity to enter Van Gogh’s world with the 3D headsets. After feeding the mind with culture, we feed our stomachs with a nice meal at The Sibin in Dunshaughlin on the way home. Our thanks to Joe Martin for providing and driving a bus, so we travelled in style and comfort.
Vinyl Warriors Concert
About a dozen of us went to the Swan Lane music venue in Navan on the 6th of October to the Vinyl Warriors concert organised by the Rural Hub. We were treated to music from groups from all over Europe, the nearest to home being the Belfast Bells. A good afternoon of entertainment followed by a lovely meal. A big thank you to the Rural Hub team for putting on a great afternoon for us and about a couple hundred others.
Our 2022 Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday evening (28th Sept) at the Knightsbrook Hotel.
The turn out was limited but the faithful few turned up and heard that it had been quite a good, successful year for the club. Some new appointments were made to the committee and plans and ideas were put forward for 2023.
All in all, a good night ended with a couple of well deserved drinks in the bar.
We served our time at the Goal.
Great Day of Golf.
What a great day we had on Friday! Weather was fantastic, the Golf Course was in superb condition and everyone seemed to have a great day. A huge thanks to everyone who turned up and helped us and of course to our sponsors who either gave us cash sponsorship or one of one of our many great raffle prizes.
Finally a big, big thank you to all our golf teams who came along and made it a great day. There were some great gross scores being shot, even the Men’s Shed Chairman’s team shot 3 under par gross but alas didn’t make the top ten.
Congratulations to our winners of the Golf and Raffle, click on the links to see if your team finished in the top ten!
Congratulations to the winning golf teams, we will be in touch to give you your prizes.
1st Place – Each player gets a €150 Golf Voucher + a hand crafted pen made by our shed member Gerry Deegan.
2nd Place – Each member gets a €75 Golf Voucher + a hand crafted pen made by our shed member Gerry Deegan.
3rd Place – The team get a meal for 4 and tour of Leinster House on Dail Sitting Day courtesy of Damian English TD + a hand crafted pen made by our shed member Gerry Deegan.
Men’s Shed makes its presence at the Trim Haymaking Festival.

Councilor Ronan Moore came to the Shed and gave us a talk on Green Energy.

Prosper Meath use the Men’s Shed workshop to make mosaic pictures for their new premisses.